Wednesday, January 16, 2013

So When Are the Pro-Lifers Going to Protest This?

Will they even figure out how relevant this issue is? Probably not. Idiots.

Yet another way in which Conservatives relegate themselves to irrelevancy. It falls to us liberals to step up and pressure Congress into closing this loophole which allows discrimination against pregnant women.

I told my boss I was pregnant, then he fired me.

Approximately a week after I told my boss I was pregnant, he fired me. I was an attorney at a small Seattle litigation firm. For most of the fall, I spent all of my time in trial preparation, working long days and weekends and enjoying it. The case settled the day before it was set for trial and our firm won a large settlement for our clients.
The day I told the managing partner I was pregnant, he threatened my job. About a week later, he came into my office to deliver a small production bonus check that I had earned for vastly exceeding my billable hour quota. Then he fired me. He assured me it was not based upon the quality of my work, but instead was for “economic reasons.” He promised to give me a good reference and said he would pay me until the end of the month regardless of whether or not I continued to work. Then he mentioned how busy the week was for him and how I could help him out by continuing to work.

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