Tuesday, January 15, 2013

6 Years Ago a Massive Crackdown on Illegal Immigration and Identity Theft Occurred in Greeley, Colorado

Not too many people are going to defend the identity theft that follows illegal immigration like the stench that follows a corpse flower. Identity theft can destroy your life and when activists who support illegal immigration simply dismiss this and tell opponents to shut up and deal with it or else they're evil racists, they are sealing their own political fate. Telling Americans that they should accept being displaced from factory jobs and other jobs in addition to farming by illegal immigration is another swift and sure way to destroy your political standing and foment sentiments of outright rebellion against you among working-class Americans. You are literally ceding the argument to the boneheads who believe immigration should be reduced. Illegal immigration isn't going away. The problem of employers exploiting illegal immigrants is going to be hard to get rid of, if it is possible at all. Illegals committing identity theft have victims, and one day that victim could be you.

Denying the issue of identity theft is like denying global warming. Liberals have to face the issue and take charge, before we give this issue to Conservatives. We need to come up with concrete solutions before the knuckle draggers do.

Here's what I propose.

First of all, quit the indiscriminate apprehension of illegal immigrants. While illegal immigration is itself a crime, ignore it. Those immigrants who commit crimes like identity theft and murder, etc., arrest them and kick them out, for sure. But just coming across the border for a job should not be considered a crime.

Concurrently, track illegal immigrants to every employer who hires them. Focus on the employers who pay workers below minimum wages, and hit those particular employers with fines so heavy that even Atlas himself couldn't shoulder them. Start a nationwide crackdown on all employers who subject workers to unsafe working conditions, raid their offices and fine them publicly and heavily, or throw them in prison. Illegal immigrants who steal people's identities almost always do so with little knowledge of what they're doing - they're getting fake identities from other people. Find these people that create fake identities, and throw them under the prison. Establish a Federal bounty for every employer or fake identity broker who gets caught. This will stop the exploitation of illegal immigrants and other workers, which we liberals despise and fiercely oppose, and cut down on the identity theft victimization of innocent American citizens, another crime which we liberals really ought to fiercely oppose because we're decent human beings.

If you're not focusing on employers who exploit illegal immigrants, then really, you're not interested in dealing with the problem of worker exploitation.

Most importantly, why isn't the Democratic Party throwing its weight behind the cause of unionizing these jobs that immigrants pursue? Apparently, we need a new Cesar Chavez to come along.

Fear from Swift plant raid resonates in Greeley six years later

At the time of the raid, then- Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said the crackdown — eight months after 1,187 illegal workers were arrested at pallet-making plants — intended to protect citizens from identity theft but also to force companies into compliance with immigration law.
"When businesses are built upon systematic violation of the law or others go to systematically violate the law in order to either bring in illegal migrants or to allow them to find jobs, that is a problem that we have to attack," he said.
Some of the Greeley workers had allegedly purchased or stolen names and Social Security numbers to get jobs with Swift. The company denied knowledge.

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