Monday, December 24, 2012

What RomneyCare 2.0 aka the Individual Mandate Will Cost You if You Make an Ultra-Opulent $20K a Year

Are you struggling to make ends meet right now on $20K a year? 

Well, as of 2014, you will be required to add another $80 a month bill to your budget in the form of a health insurance policy, thanks to RomneyCare 2.0 aks the Individual Mandate.

When the fine folks on the Democratic Underground weren't trying to silence this basic fact, they were howling that the poor should be happy to shoulder this extra burden. The entire Democratic Party is going to learn a very hard political lesson when millions of low-income people get slapped with this extra bill and they decide to rebel. The hard lesson is you are an idiot if you adopt an individual health insurance mandate law, aka a "force people to purchase private corporation services" law, that was first proposed by the Heritage Foundation and first made into law in Massachusetts by Mitt Romney.

Woah, wait, what? Am I saying that forcing people to pay for health insurance by law, was an idea first put forth by right wingtards and actually forced upon citizens by the worst Republican Presidential candidate in the last 50 years? Why, yes, I am. As you can see when you clicked those links, history very much says this.

Democrats, you will wish you hadn't taken a gulp of this right wing kool-aid...

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