What is America's so-called "dependency" class?
The ever-hateful Conservatives refer to them as welfare queens and lazy, shiftless losers who just won't get off their asses and get a job. Liberals point their fingers at Conservatives and call them insensitive and cruel, but can't seem to rise up and put forth a coherent message about why the Cons are wrong. Thus, the Conservatives used to win because they were - and still are - united in their message of hate for America's poor, and they are always, fanatically on point.
So again, what is America's so-called dependency class?
Almost all of them are workers. The working poor and the jobless who are fighting to get work even though there aren't enough jobs to go around.
The math is simple: when you have 1 job for every 4 people, 3 must go without no matter how skilled and industrious they are. It's like musical chairs: when there's 1 chair and 4 people, only one will sit. This is why most job openings get FLOODED with resumes, and when physical applicants are allowed, long lines of people are routinely seen waiting to apply. Laziness is largely a myth; people are out hunting for work, desperately no less.
Those who don't have jobs are the dependency class. They always have been, even before welfare ever existed. They simply depended on resources that didn't exist, and many just starved and died. The United States Military discovered this the hard way when they tried to register men for service during World War II. Many post-Great Depression men were declared 4F - unfit for service - because of severe malnutrition. Logic and reasoning deduces that while many came to the recruitment office malnourished, others no doubt died. Is it no wonder the Military Industrial Complex fought for and won a school meals act for poor kids? In this way, the long-existing dependency class was politically formalized.
And any parent with a child will tell you, it is better to be dependent on the government than to bury a child.
With wages stagnating while both productivity AND the cost of living keep going up, many people who work, are seeing their standard of living going down. Some cannot even afford the rent they're paying in rat-infested apartments. Wal Mart is famous for having workers who are so poor that they receive welfare.
Conservatives routinely revile and vilify these people as the lazy, shiftless and downright stupid dependency class. It is their "gentle" term for the old social Darwinist term "useless eaters" which also became a cornerstone of Nazi thought. Conservatives have learned their lesson from Germany: instead of dealing with the "useless eater" problem with cattle cars and gas chambers, they cut welfare and social safety nets, in hopes that the poor will starve, get sick and die quietly in the streets. After all, be it by gas chambers or freezing, dead is dead. One gets you put before a Nuremberg-style war crimes trial, the other is simply "Capitalism in action". Death by direct action is punishable, death by large-scale neglect is called "liberty": in America, you are free to starve.
And now, in 2012, the brutal message of the Conservative movement, whose elected officials vote in perfect, hateful lock-step in Congress and in statewide houses to bleed the working class and starve the poor out of existence, has finally caught up with them. Americans have grown tired of their all-out war on the poor and the working class. The Conservatives believe that they lost in 2012 because they didn't get their message out. But even Haley Barbour admitted that Conservatives who believe the problem was the lack of clarity of the message, were misguided. The Conservative message was loud, clear, unambiguous, and well understood by the voters. And just as solidly, it was rejected.
Liberals do not dare express to the People how disgusting and brutal the Conservative message is. They don't want to anger the Conservatives, and as a result they have a track record of caving into Conservative temper tantrums on Capitol Hill (see: the abandoning of the popular Public Option, the Bush tax cuts on the rich, and the strong likelihood of an upcoming compromise on SS/Medicare cuts). There is no hope for Liberals to outgrow this. But at the very least, they need need to communicate to the people what they already know: Conservatives have no love for the working class, and are at war against helping the working OR jobless poor. Liberals need to nut up and haul Conservatives onto the carpet about the insanely dishonest claims that Liberals prefer welfare over jobs.
Most importantly, Liberals need to unite, dig in deep, and stop caving in to Conservatives. Sorry, Libbies, but the Care Bears will always get mauled by hungry Siberian tigers with a hint of rabies.
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