Sunday, December 9, 2012

Male Bashing: Why Liberals Make Things Harder on Themselves Than They Need To

Whenever a clear and obvious example of male bashing comes up, such as this:

Liberals always make excuses for why it's not male bashing. And then to make things worse they even say "I've got no room in my life to be angry about this bigotry when other forms of bigotry have my attention".

News flash, children - you're not making life easier for your cause by pulling bullshit like the kind of responses that appeared in this example.

You can't just discount male bashing because women have it worse, and any fool knows, women do suffer worse forms of bigotry and discrimination. If you're against bigotry you're against all forms of bigotry.

Of course, you can't say stuff like this on the Democratic Underground or you'll get your post hidden. News flash #2 - you can't jury-hide a blog post.

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