Thursday, November 29, 2012

Well Guess What, You're Not in Kansas Anymore!

So here's the rundown. President Obama, after the Democrats counter-stomped the GOP in a humiliating November 6 election rout, is talking about picking a Republican named Chuck Hagel for a job in Obama's administration. A fucking Republican. Now, mind you, Chuck Hagel says the GOP is too extreme for him. He left office and backed Democratic Senatorial Candidate Bob Kerrey in his unsuccessful 2012 bid in Nebraska. But the guy is still a moderately conservative Republican and most certainly not in line with Democratic, much less liberal, goals.

So on the Democratic Underground there has been considerable support for this moderately Conservatarded (LOL) excuse for a human being to join the Obama administration. One person finally speaks up in protest against this giant lemming march toward the cliff of epic fail: "Well, fuck me. I thought I was on a DEMOCRATIC forum." Sorry, MotherPetrie, but you ain't in Kansas anymore! The Democrats went Incredible Hulk on the GOP for a while and are now going right back to their weak, spineless compromising ways. First with putting Medicare cuts on the table and now this.

It's going to be a sad 2-4 years watching the Democratic Party forget its lessons from 2010 and 2012.

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