Sunday, November 25, 2012

Prey Logic Infests the DU

47 Rec's for this eyepopping example of sissified spinelessness. Oh, and of course, I would have been too worried about being punished for calling this exactly what it is, as a member of that forum.

It is my belief that Rachel Maddow had it correct. Progress in our Democracy is dependent on the strength of BOTH Conservative and Liberal ideas. It is simple Hegelian dialectic: Thesis meets Antithesis and creates Synthesis. We must strongly present our best arguments, hear their best arguments, debate, compromise and then reach a new level. Progress. I am just as concerned about unchecked Liberal Future Dreams as I am about Conservative knuckle-dragging.
I refuse to give into the temptation to lump all of my fellow Americans who hold Conservative values with Ted Nugent, Mitt Romney and Pat Robertson. It is false.
I refuse to adopt the hateful tactics of RedState, Rush Limbaugh, Faux News and Newt Gingrich. Propaganda and name-calling are not Ideas. They are not the product they are the marketing.
I refuse to be an ideologue, frozen in my opinion, unable to risk thinking outside my box. I choose to grow through adversity, courage and love.
(Bold emphasis mine) This is the kind of gullible weakling that gets routinely used as target practice or gets bent over by the Conservitards. This is Prey Logic, demonstrated, rather than merely defined.

If you are a Conservative who voted for Mitt Romney you are not worthy of respect. You have a mental disease that is beyond treatment and which will routinely flare up like Herpes, to the expense of everyone around you. You voted for a madman and you should be called out for it, and held responsible for it. You should be shunned and avoided by sane people. Period.

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