Prelude: I am formerly of the Democratic Underground. They didn't like this speech, which I posted in the short form. They called it violence. I say that's bullshit. I can also say thanks for that PPR you gave me - it was a wake-up call that being fearful of being banned for speaking your mind is a chickenshit existence.
And now, the long version of the message that the DU didn't want anyone to read.
Why am I in such a bad mood even though my side won big on the election of November 6 of 2012? Because, basically, all we did was hold the line.
Against what, you ask? Great question. What did we hold the line against? Well, let me give you a few examples.
Right Wing Nutjobbery: Let Them Eat Cake
First, let's take a look at the now all-too-famous video of Mitt Romney bashing 47% of the American population. Not just any ol' 47%, mind you, but the poor and retirees out there who depend on Government benefits to survive.
Here’s another example. Here’s a video of people who say that those who don’t buy insurance and who get sick, should be left to die.
Libertarian Ron Paul said, in essence, that freedom is achieved when a society isn’trequired to take care of everybody. When asked whether this means society should just let this hypothetical person die, the Tea Party audience in the background screamed “Yeah!”
More Examples of "Let Them Eat Cake"
Then we go back to Paul Ryan, a Congressman, former Vice Presidential candidate and running mate for Mitt Romney. This idiot called for PRIVATIZING SOCIAL SECURITY.
For more information, check out Paul Ryan’s budget proposal to cut and privatize Social Security and the sheer number of Republicans who voted for it.
Lawmakers yesterday approved 228-191 a $3.5 trillion plan to overhaul Medicare, slash food stamps, Pell grants and other programs for the poor, boost defense spending and reduce taxes on high earners. No Democrats voted for Ryan’s plan; 10 Republicans opposed it.
Now let’s look at one of the GOP Presidential candidates, a Herman Cain. This man represented the absolute purity of Conservatism. He was completely consistent in his views and didn’t flip flop like Mitt Romney did. He was eventually shot down because of accusations about sexual harassment. But before he went down in flames, he told it like it was in the eyes of Conservatism: if you’re poor, it’s because it’s your own fault. Not because there’s simply not enough jobs to go around, no, if there are 99 jobs and 150 people fighting for those jobs, it’s the fault of those 51 people that they couldn’t find what doesn’t exist. Yes, this guy was that crazy. See the video.
Then, going back to 2009, there was this scene at the start of the Tea Party movement. During a giant rally in Ohio, they mocked an apparent victim of Parkinson’s Disease.
Oh But It Gets Worse: Feudalism on the Horizon
These pro-corporate state idiots are also quietly involved in the mass privatization of America’s public services, including our roads, schools, and in the case of Governor Rick Snyder in Michigan, entire cities! It’s called the Shock Doctrine. Naomi Klein wrote a book about this, if you value an America of, by and for the People, you really should read it. Let me give you an example of the Shock Doctrine: in Michigan, Gov Snyder created a new system in which hand-picked, non-elected officials were sent into various distressed cities to run these cities, effectively nullifying the authority of the cities’ elected officials. These autocrats are called “Emergency Managers“. What does this mean for you? It means that it doesn’t matter who you vote for, they will be taken out of power by a handful hand-picked people that you did not vote for. Public education will go away, and you will pay through the nose to send your kid to school, and if your kid isn’t one of the top students, they won’t be admitted… anywhere, because private schools don’t have to accept any students except the ones they pick. Can we say Balkanization? Oh and roads? You think today’s toll roads are bad? Yeah, you’ll be paying a toll every 10 miles that you drive. Unless one corporation eventually buys up all the roads, in which case you may be paying by the intersection. What are you going to do, refuse to drive? They’ll ding you for walking, too. In Conservative America, it’s their property, they can do whatever they want. That’s the end game for mass privatization. Conservatives want to see this, nationwide. They are fighting hard to see this happen. Privatization of the military is slowly creeping along with “private military companies“, aka mercenary groups, taking over the fringes of traditional government-run military roles. You can expect to see privatized, armed police taking over distressed cities soon, once entire cities start getting bought up. We haven’t gotten there quite yet, so perhaps we should tell ourselves it can’t ever happen.
For those of us who won’t just live in denial of what’s coming, however, you do know what it’s called when one person owns a whole city and hires a private police force to administer law? This has in fact happened before in history. It’s called Feudalism.
And They're Violent Savages, Too
Now let’s discuss how violent these nutjobs are. Mind you, union workers have retaliated to Teabagger violence and both sides are willing to duke it out, but this example I’m about to show is as low as you can get, and it is something I’ve never seen a liberal do. Take a look at this Ron Paul supporter stomping on the head of a woman protester. Notice the gun in her hand?
What? You didn’t notice the gun in her hand, either? That’s probably because she didn’t have one. She was completely unarmed and yet this beast from the jungle went and stomped on that woman’s head. An unarmed woman. On a side note: How much do you want to bet that this uncivilized savage never went to prison for aggravated assault and battery?
Take note of all of these barbaric events. All ideological (and in one case physical) atrocities committed by Conservatives. These are some of the sickest, sociopathic people since the days of the Gilded Age. They have no regard for the sick and poor, and no regard for the working class. Their creed is survival of the richest, and I got mine, fuck you.
But Wait!!! There's more!!! These Knuckle-Draggers DESPISE Women.
Here is Missouri Congressman Todd Akin, talking about rape and the pregnancies that might result. Really, it speaks for itself. Put on your space helmet, folks, we’re about to enter… the TWILIGHT ZONE.
Oh, but it gets worse than that. Here’s Richard Mourdoch, the defeated (HOORAH!) Republican candidate for Indiana’s US Senate seat in 2012.
Both of these men attempted to ascend to the U.S. Senate this year and lost, probably because of their rape comments.
I could go on with examples of how twisted Conservatism has become, but there’s only so much bandwidth available in a blog. The point is, America voted 233 of these knuckle-dragging savages back into power in the 435-member United States House of Representatives and 58 million people voted for Mitt Romney’s failed bid for the US Presidency. That’s almost as much as the 59 million who voted for John McCain and his nutjob running mate Sarah Palin in 2008! Todd Akin and Richard Mourdoch, of course, didn’t win their bids for the US Senate, but 39% of voters went for Todd Akin in Missouri and 44% of voters went for Richard Mourdoch in Indiana. Do you know what this means?It means that 1 out of 3 voters that you meet in Missouri felt that Todd Akin wasn’t a raging nutjob for his “legitimate rape” rant. Almost 1 out of 2 in Indiana supported Richard Mourdoch despite his whole “pregnancy from rape is a gift from God” remarks. This should scare you into sleeping with a night light. No matter where you are, you might meet or even know someone who agrees with these demons.
Let me say this in an unambiguous fashion: those who voted for Mitt Romney, knowing all of this, those who thought Akin or Mourdoch should have won, have something horribly, frighteningly wrong with them, mentally speaking. It’s not that the mainstream media didn’t broadcast these atrocities: they did, repeatedly. Every last one of these things I talked about here, was shown on the three major networks and all the major cable networks, during prime time. They appeared in newspapers, and all over the Internet. Of course the media is going to play this – they know nutjobbery when they see it, and nutjobbery like what you saw above was big money. People tuned in. Lots of people. And you know what? About half of them didn’t give a flying frak.
Which half? The knuckle-dragging savages that call themselves “free market” or “religious” Conservatives. The bunch that Chuck Norris was addressing in this video.
The Point
And so I get to what this entire blog is really about: the fact that these “people” who infested Congress with the Tea Party, NEARLY gave us Senators Todd Akin and Richard Mourdoch, and who NEARLY saddled America with President (hahah NOT!!) Mitt Romney, are still with us.
Romney, Ryan, Mourdoch and Akin are mere symptoms of the real problem. The real problem is the hordes of right-wing savages who keep putting their champions of derangement and rabid nutjobbery up for election. If you step back and look at it, it’s unreal. These people are voting for policies that will destroy their livelihoods and leave them as helpless prey for the Plutocracy to feed upon them at will. Their war against unionization has resulted in CEO pay skyrocketing while worker pay has stagnated, but these people don’t care. They blame it on liberals, and they always will. They think global warming is a myth, and they hate pollution controls. They’d rather choke on London Fog and see more droughts like what we saw in 2012 than let there be an Environmental Protection Agency that can prevent it. Record dry seasons and fire outbreaks? Let it burn rather than raise taxes! Oh, wait, but when it all burns, come whining to the evil Federal Government for help!
You can tell the wisdom or stupidity of a belief system by its results. You want to know what the end results of Conservatism is? States where Conservatism runs rampant are among the poorest in the country. They use more welfare dollars than they contribute. That’s right, folks, the states that preach the hardest about eliminating welfare for the poor, use more nanny state resources than they contribute. Now in a stunning example of their racism, the most common counter argument these savages offer to this is that the welfare-sucking states have large populations of black people. Uh, yeah, does that include North and South Dakota, or Alaska?
Now do I need to cite for you how much these Conservatives badmouth us liberals, despite the fact that they depend on us for their livelihoods? I think anyone who has come to this site knows how much these guys deride us as un-American, Communists, nanny-state Socialists, and so on. This hate has been going on for decades. Their hate for organized labor (matched only by their love for organized corporate lobbyists and organized management) should also be well-known. There are also the militia that are out there perpetually preparing for a “civil war”.
A few of these savages even want to secede from the Union. One of these people who calls for secession is Texas Governor Rick Perry. Few make the case for nutjobbery clearer than this video:
Notice how this call for secession refers to President Obama as “the Kenyan”? Yeah, most of the recent ones are racist like that. See my point? These same people who rely on us “socialists” , the ones who consume more welfare dollars than they contribute, want to depart. Like that video above said, “WE QUIT!!!”
Let me be the next person to say, I QUIT!!! I quit being civil to these savages. Their world is, without exception, a world of survival of the fittest, a world without civilization, a world that looks a lot like a jungle where the strong live and the less fortunate get eaten. With only notable exception, their world is also a racist and sexist world which sees women and all non-whites as a perpetual underclass. Which is why the Republican Party, the Tea Party and the Libertarian Party – what I call the Axis of (right-wing) Savagery – has almost no support among any of the non-white voting groups.
These people deserve to be scorned just as much as they scorn us. And we certainly have a God-given and legal right to intervene in the physical defense of our own when one of these right wing knuckle draggers starts stomping an unarmed woman. These monsters got gun licenses and brought unloaded carbine semi-auto rifles to Town Hall meetings, slung over their shoulders but in plain, intimidating sight. Isn’t it time that Right to Keep and Bear Arms (RKBA) Democrats did the same? It is perfectly legal, after all.
Conservatives are savage people unworthy of living in a civilized society. Period. You’re a fool to be married to one who went so far as to vote for McCain and Palin in 2008, much less Romney and Ryan in 2012. You are married to someone who doesn’t give a shit if both of you go on the streets if you get poor. He’ll just blame Obama or some liberal and keep fighting for the very Plutocrats who put you in that situation. Or worse, he’ll blame the two of you. After all, as Presidential candidate Herman Cain said and the rest of those GOP candidates honestly believe, if you’re poor, it’s your own fault. A vote for Romney was an endorsement of this nonsense, and all the other nonsense that Romney stood for.
Moreover, you should keep eyes in the back of your head and your resume perpetually updated if you are unfortunate enough to work for a conservative employer. Some of these people act charitable today, but they can turn on you on a dime. Just ask the coal mine workers of Murray Energy’s Century in Beallsville, Ohio. I’m not saying you should leave your job – in this economy that’s crazy, and there’s a hell of a lot of these Conservative savages running businesses. What I’m saying is, wear your career life preserver and be prepared to catch waves to the next job; these two-legged animals could suddenly pull something stupid on you in a fit of rage.
We can’t push these knuckle draggers out of our lives overnight. They live among us, like the proverbial infected. Many of them are the high-functioning type of crazy, capable of changing a liberal’s tire if they get a flat, or walking your dog for you, or whatever. But within them lurks a deadly mental disease which only needs the right catalyst to manifest itself openly like a canker sore. That catalyst, in the last 4 years, has been a scary black man elected President of the United States. And, worst of all, some of these savages are even related to us. You know what I’m talking about… the kindly ol’ father in law who, at the unfortunate conjunction of an Obama speech during a full moon, transforms into hairy right wing savage werewolf howling his ignorance and rage about Liberalism, while pledging undying fealty to his bloodsucking vampire Plutocrat masters aka the GOP at the dinner table.
No, pushing them out of our midst is a slow, often painful process. You don’t just turn cold shoulder to your coworker overnight. What you should do, after hours and on your own property, is proclaim loudly and often your disdain for runaway Capitalism and Right Wing nutjobbery. Show as much intolerance as your neighbor does. Put up signs and, if you can afford it, slap a camera out front to catch any idiot defacing your property. Put them on Youtube and report it to the cops without delay. Make them know they will face legal troubles for harassing you, and if they punch you? HIT BACK, HARD. Remember, starting a fight will land you in jail, but SELF DEFENSE IS PERFECTLY LEGAL!!! Be mean to them whenever you can. Be harsh. Give them no mercy, give them no quarter. Make your half of America as inhospitable and unbearable to them as you can possibly get away with. Be subtle if you must, but always, always retaliate in kind.
Force these bastards to get themselves away from us, into their own bastions, where they can choke to death on their pollution. Eventually we should work toward cutting them off from welfare since they want to end it so badly, and let them starve. It’s come to that. They want total war. They want to secede. Let us at least grant them their de facto “soft secession” – a secession that is spiritual and demographic, instead of violent and illegal. They don’t typically welcome us among them, we shouldn’t welcome them among us.
What I hope to see happen is the greater growth of Asians, blacks, Hispanics and white Liberals, until the right wing savages give up California and all the Northern states and congregate down south. Not white flight, but rather Conservative flight, baby. Concentrate down south so we can mass boycott you (since most official sanctions would probably violate the Commerce Clause of the Constitution) like we did Arizona. It would be my greatest dream to see Conservatives whining about how verbally abusive Liberals are to them and why won’t anyone play nice with them? Awww, poor babies. You deserve your own little Right Wing paradise where you can pollute to your heart’s content, risk your lives in unsafe workplaces, and otherwise metaphorically defecate where you eat. What you don’t deserve is to screw things up for the rest of us. Find your own little sandbox and play in your own political and economic feces.
To the rest of you: A large number of readers will be thinking, DAMN, this guy is way over the top. Of course I am. But look at America now. We have two Americas now. The soft secession is already in progress. You have but two choices to take to determine our country’s future: to let your Conservative neighbors (with their lurking insanity waiting to burst out at the drop of a hat) continue to poison your world on a city-wide and state-wide level, or work to push them out so when they shit where they eat, the effects won’t manifest in your punch bowl.
It’s not the feel-good way out. But this is about survival. Either ostracize these monstersor they will make us all suffer the consequences. Option #3 – reconciliation – sailed away in 2008 and hit an iceberg this year.
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