Back in the 1990s I used to be a lone voice against the offshoring of American jobs. Back then everyone except for Ross Perot's followers were mesmerized at the idea of cheaper goods and the promise of job retraining for workers displaced by "trade".
Fast forward 20 years and not too many people are drinking the kool-aid anymore. Instead of driving America toward the "newer, better economy", a handful of people have gotten new, better jobs, while America's middle class has been decimated - with most of the losses contributing to the ranks of the poor, and only a chosen few rising beyond the middle class. Americans are now all but excluded from the global labor market - as evidenced by the fact that we have a big trade deficit with every nation on Earth.
The sheer inescapable magnitude of the failure of free trade makes it little wonder that Democratic and Republican voters alike now not only oppose offshoring, but downright despise it.
And now we get to the Free Republic. One half-awake Freeper decided to post an article about foreign outsourcing in protest of the bleeding out of American jobs. So did the blinds squirrel find their acorn? Yes, one squirrel in the bunch stumbled upon the acorn of intelligence, but its compadres knocked its acorn right out of its hands. Like so:
Buy Obamamerican? no thanks. I’m not paying more of my hard earned dollars and reducing my standard of living to support lavish lifestyles for union thugs.
With this election I noticed it seems to be every man for himself. So, why buy American? I mean, most of the jobs that can be outsourced are Obama voter type of jobs. It would please me to find more of them out of work. Heck, I am already paying for most of their care as it is since many of them don’t pay income taxes and I pay more taxes than they make. So, who cares if they get hurt? We’re doomed anyway and if I need final preps at a low cost I will seek the best price. American “workers” be damned. Besides, those workers were the ones places like Wal-Mart targeted with cheap imports in the first place years ago. It hurt their own jobs but they were too stupid to see that.
Conservatards will fight tooth and nail for a country where they're paid as little as possible. These guys are huge fans of Gina "$2 a day" Rinehart.
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