Tuesday, February 26, 2013

#UniteBlue America Can't Survive Being United Anymore Than a Marriage Can Survive Rampant Domestic Violence.

You are GUARANTEED not to like this blog. But we have no other options left.

America is dysfunctional, and it is becoming more so because of Conservatives. It is like this song:

This song by Eminem and Rihanna is about a relationship being destroyed by a self-sustaining death spiral of strife and domestic violence. If you look at the relationship between Conservatives and anyone to the left of their ideology, it is playing out across the country just like this song. In fact, the sequester that threatens to devastate America this Friday on March 1st is clearly analogous to Eminem talking about setting the bed on fire with his girlfriend in it.

How much more of this can America take?

The truth is, if we're going to stay a united country, this political version of rampant domestic violence will continue, with Republicans tearing the walls down and setting things on fire, until finally, one time, America won't avert a total economic catastrophe. Whether it comes this Friday or it comes at some other time, this disastrous economic collapse is inevitable. The Conservative movement will drive America to collapse: in fact, it is their explicit intent to do so.

Nobody wants to talk about cutting Conservatives loose. So instead what we will eventually do is talk about America as a nation ruined by hyper-austerity and economic collapse.

The only solution for dealing with a habitual domestic abuser is to remove them from the household, or to leave. Likewise, the only way to deal with 60 million people who voted for Mitt Romney is to split the country and cut these kooks loose. If you believe that dividing America in half is a terrible option, it is. But it's even more terrible to keep these domestic abusers around when at any given time they could burn the bed with you - namely, the working class 99% - lying in it.

Split America or watch the whole country burn. There is no third option left.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

In Case You Haven't Noticed, the Free Republic Conservative Website Went Down for 3 Days, and Is Now Back

The Free Republic is a Conservative website, probably the largest in terms of population online. It boasts 30 million comments with hundreds or even thousands of posts coming in practically per day. That's a lot of activity. That's a lot of people. Suffice it to say, the Free Republic website is a major haven for Conservative knuckle draggers to sit around and spew their hate.

Well, recently, the site went down for about 3 days. There have been many stated reasons, the most oft-stated one being a database crash. In any case, people on other sites have been cheering its downtime, hoping that it would not come back up. There have been other discussions, such as why it costs so much to run the site, but this is not the main issue.

The main issue is, as long as these Freeptards infest this country, they need their own website. Free Republic needs to stay up.

Why, you ask with a palm slapping your forehead?


Because if Free Republic goes down, the threat of one of these people going on a shooting rampage, increases dramatically. The threat that they will attack, troll or even hack other websites, skyrockets. The permanent loss of Free Republic is 

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Population Control Will NOT Save Our Environment - Sustainable Living Will

Overpopulation is not a new refrain; it was a subject of complaint even as far back as the Roman Empire. The problem is, you can have a small population of humans and still over-consume your way into a crisis or even ecological ruin and a catastrophic population crash. Malthusian theories can argue all day long about how much physical room the Earth has for human beings, but history shows one certainty: even 100 million is enough to ruin the ecosystem.

Take the deforestation that occurred on Rapa Nui aka Easter Island, for instance. Or better yet, look at deforestation patterns in Midieval Europe, from the 13th to 16th centuries, where the populace in the area never exceeded 150 million. There weren't a lot of humans there, at least compared to now, but they wrought much devastation on their ecosystem, with catastrophic consequences, such as famines and plagues that were fueled by the resulting waves of mass starvation and malnutrition.

Ironically, the mass deforestation was slowed down by the growing use of coal. Compared to Medieval times, coal was the first form of alternative energy, and petroleum was the alternative energy to whale oil. Alternative energy slowed the destruction of forests and saved the whales.

Of course, deforestation is still happening at a breathtaking pace, and the practice of using fossil fuels in place of trees is itself catching up with us in the form of pollution and global warming. At the same time the Malthusian crowd is again blowing the overpopulation trumpet.

Populations have swelled and declined, but regardless of the size of the world's population, or that of any one region, two things have always been constant: overconsumption and wastefulness. Malthusians incorrectly base their predictions of resource crashes on the size of the human population. The problem is not the size of our population. The problem is, at its core, all about overconsumption. No matter what size a given population is, overconsumption and wastefulness still make for an unsustainable society and will lead to the Malthusian sky falling on our heads

The key to protecting our environment and global habitat, therefore, is sustainability. We need a system of recycling that is as close to perfect as possible, and one in which we cut pollution to a bare minimum. We need to build consumer goods in a way that they can be recycled in an environmentally-friendly way, and build them to last. We need a society where few things go into the trash and almost nothing goes into landfills. We need a global agreement of hard and inflexible pollution REDUCTIONS, not just "cap and move pollution around to whatever nation can pay the pollution fee." We need to make use of solar energy, which can now be generated at night as well as during the day; the sun bathes the Earth in more energy PER DAY than modern society will use in centuries, and we need to harness a respectable portion of that. We must all become like Germany, who now uses more solar energy than the whole world combined. Composting must also become a religion, while research in nano-pesticides must begin so that we can ditch the use of chemicals. I could list the specifics all day long, but I think Democrats can get the picture. Waste not, want not, is an old but wise and very relevant saying. We had mass recycling programs in World War II, why not have them now? Consider it a world war in defense of our environment.

Which brings me to Stephen Hawking, who once famously said that for our survival, we need to colonize other worlds. He's correct. The truth is, Earth will be hit by a massive asteroid one day, one that will destroy human life on this planet. This is guaranteed to happen. Large asteroids have wiped out life across the Earth in the past and it will happen again. But there's another reason for space colonization: it is also a huge creator of jobs worldwide, and would result in access to more resources beyond Earth. Outer space is, potentially, the world's biggest jobs program, ever; it is likely to create an employee's market for anything from manual labor (think: asteroid miners in space suits, or people piloting mining drones) to jobs in the hard sciences and engineering. The prospect of putting factories on the moon, by itself, offers huge ecological benefits for the world. In the long term it will also solve the imaginary Malthusian problem of physical space. 

However, there is an even bigger benefit to listening to Hawking's advice. The biggest benefit of all is that when it comes to long-term existence in outer space, you are forced to research and implement a system of total sustainability. Even short term trips into orbit require some level of recycling and sustainability, but people working in offworld factories and those taking trips to places like Mars will need total sustainability. Recycling of all resources is a must, as is the use of alternative and renewable energy. The sustainability issues that must be solved to achieve long-term space travel and colonization of inhospitable worlds will be of enormous benefit for us back on Earth.

There's another reason to shoot for sustainability over population control: whenever you hear about population control, it's YOU AND YOUR FAMILY who will be controlled. The Plutocracy will have no skin in the game at all; they won't use less resources or make any sacrifices, but YOU WILL. Malthusians are quick to say that it's the poor who overpopulate the most - problem is, they're talking about MANY OF YOU, as in the many of the people who are reading this and saying to themselves, "No, that can't be right". Yeah, it is right. It's all about controlling YOU so that the Plutocrats can have mansions the size of college campuses and yachts that rival the size of aircraft carriers, along with all the resources that these luxuries use.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

WTF Do Gun Control Advocates Expect a Woman to Do to Defend Herself?

First of all, I'm sick and tired of the National Rifle Association. They represent gun owners like me just like the Ku Klux Klan represents white men like Veep Joe Biden: NOT AT ALL. They are opposed to the most sensible of restrictions, like universal background checks and bans on semi-auto rifles. Their response to everything is, "MORE GUNS!!!" Let's get that bullshit out of the way - the NRA has no solution to the question of how a woman can defend herself when she is cornered.

On the other side, however, is this nonsense, while not as stupid as the NRA, it is still nonsense.

I've got a question for people who push this meme.


Can we get an answer to that, from someone? If you don't advise her to own a gun, what should she do when she's faced with domestic violence, or some rapist breaking into her house, with kids huddling behind her?

What, no answer? Don't worry. I'll wait. I've got all the time in the world for you to figure that out. Those women out there with animals beating down their door? Not so much. Think on that. WTF is she gonna do to defend herself?

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Okay Can Someone Explain This 'Nice Guy' Thing To Me?

I've been reading these long series of posts on Tumblr about the 'nice guy' thing. From all their accusations, one thing rings consistent: women absolutely hate nice guys.

I don't get it. Fortunately, being married, my love life doesn't depend on getting it. But still, it's confusing and I hate confusion.

Let me see if I get this right.... 
1) 'nice guys' is another way of saying self-proclaimed nice guys.
2) nice guys are actually deceitful men who just want to get into a woman's pants.
3) plus they get mad if a woman doesn't sleep with them
4) and they pester a woman who rejects them
5) because they feel entitled to her affections, especially if she is good looking.


Let me first say if there are men out there like that, they're utter dumbass wastes of oxygen. The ladies of Tumblr have spoken enough hatred of these dirtbags so I'll leave it at that.

But the nice guys I hung with, back in the day, didn't feel entitled to anything. In fact we had long talks between us men about how the only thing we were entitled to, when it came to everything from love to just putting food on the table, was to work our asses off and HOPE something came of it. In short as far as we were concerned it was all about luck. We knew men who felt they were owed sex and we avoided being seen with these dudes. Oddly enough they were the rich guys and jocks. Now, apparently, self proclaimed nice guys share this twisted sense of entitlement? 

....the fuck? Is this some kind of 20something problem where guys don't know this instinctually? I was one of those nice guys who didn't like getting friend-zoned, and I never needed to be told such basic shit as this. None of the self proclaimed nice guys I shared my woes with, needed this reminder, either. I can't help but believe that this is nonsense.

I'll tell you what really plagues the nice guys:
1) Desperation. Years of deprivation will do that to you, especially if you're a male.
2) Having mostly-indoor hobbies that women don't (or didn't used to) like, or even respect. Comic Con used to be an almost all-male thing. (Then, suddenly for some reason, it wasn't. Huh??) There also still aren't many women computer geeks. Some, but not many.
3) Awkward. Their jokes rarely ever fly. Neither did mine, but I hardly ever cared. Didn't kill me, either, I got married anyway.
4) Timidity. Guys didn't approach a woman romantically for fear of being humiliated. Not just rejected, but humiliated. Watching too much TV sitcoms will do that to you.

Timidity, now that's where I have a big problem with what I'm seeing on Tumblr. Most nice guys are too timid and afraid of crossing the jerk line to do HALF of the nutjob things I'm seeing women complain about. The problem is that they're too timid to pester a woman, or even express any sort of anger or frustration - which is part of how they earned the reputation of being so spineless!!! Oddly enough, despite all these failings, the nice guys in my age group all got married.

I can see the mythical monsters these women talk about nowadays not getting married, though. If these douchebags actually exist. Well, in this world of 6 billion people I imagine all sort of d-bags can actually exist... even someone so stupid as to not realize that being nice to a girl doesn't mean romance. And if people that dumb ever manage to breed, then this is our future:

Thursday, February 14, 2013

The Chris Dorner Manhunt: Get to Know the Victims

With the manhunt of alleged cop-killer Chris Dorner apparently over, let's take a look at the victims of this tragedy. 

First, the people whose deaths kicked off this rampage of terror in Los Angeles: Monica Quan and Keith Lawrence. Monica Quan was the daughter of former LAPD Captain Randal Quan, the man who represented Dorner at his LAPD termination hearing. She was an assistant coach for women's basketball at Cal State Fullerton. She was apparently killed in retaliation against Randal Quan, apparently because Dorner felt he betrayed him at the hearing. Keith Lawrence was her fiance, and was apparently killed because of that. 

Then there were two police officers who died in the line of duty: Michael Crain and Jeremiah MacKay. Michael Crain was a former US Marine and an officer with the Riverside police department. He was killed in an ambush attack. Jeremiah MacKay was a sheriffs deputy for San Bernardino County. He died in a gun battle with Dorner, and another officer was seriously injured.

Now, we get to the other victims of the rampage by the police. The ones that were marked for death by summary execution by the Los Angeles and Torrance Police Department. These victims survived the murderous rampage by law enforcement officers only by the grace of God. The police did not attempt to look them in the eye or identify these innocent people, and the police did not ask them to surrender. The police just opened fire on these following people without so much as looking. This was worse than shoot-on-sight: it was shoot-before-sight. Fortunately, probably as a direct result of their recklessness, they failed.

Maggie Carranza and her mother Emma Hernandez were a mother and daughter team delivering newspapers in the morning on February 8, when officers from the Los Angeles Police Department approached their blue truck and opened fire without warning. Maggie Carranza's hand was injured while her mother Emma Hernandez took 2 bullets in the back. The police attempted to justify this shoot-before-sight attempted summary execution by saying the truck resembled the one driven by Chris Dorner. First of all, it didn't even look the same; second of all, this was a clear message being sent to all citizens: that the police are not going to ask for a surrender, and they're not even going to waste time identifying, much less verifying, their target.

Perhaps this is why, subsequently, David Perdue was shot at by Torrance police officers who rammed his car, didn't bother to get a look at him, and opened fire without so much as an order to surrender. Fortunately, they missed him.

We don't get much biographical information about these three victims... why? Because, unlike Dorner's victims, they survived. But they survived simply because the police who shot at them, didn't shoot accurately enough. Thank goodness.

But make no mistake: these three people 
were victims of attempted summary executions. 
Summary executions outside of wartime are ILLEGAL.
(And should be illegal under any circumstance.)

Chris Dorner monstrously - and I repeat, monstrously - targeted his victims. But if you weren't on his hit list and didn't engage him in battle, you were safe. The LAPD and the Torrance Police Department, on the other hand, deployed a blind, shoot-anything-that-moves "strategy" that terrorized the California Southland. Nobody was safe from the shooting rampage carried out by the police! Innocent lives were not lost ONLY BECAUSE THE POLICE WERE NOT GOOD SHOTS. Two innocent women were shot and hospitalized by the police.
Where is the Federal Bureau of Investigation? Where are the calls for these trigger happy wanna-be summary executioners to be thrown in prison for recklessly endangering the populace they're supposed to protect? Chris Dorner's actions were evil and monstrous - but the actions of those trigger happy cops were even worse.

Dorner is apparently dead. Justice served. Now it is time to deal with those shoot-before-sight cops. Identify those trigger-happy police officers NOW. Prosecute them NOW. 

Attempted summary executions of American citizens on American soil IS ILLEGAL. PROSECUTE THEM NOW!!! And may the Federal Government never, ever let those trigger-happy cops see the outside of a prison again.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Do the Police Think They're Gods?

Or the guardians of gods? 

It's fairly obvious that they see themselves as such.

Let's talk about the abuses that the police inflict upon law abiding citizens:

“We’ll come look for you, each and every one of you.”

“You like that, he knows these guys know, ’68. You guys know all about ’68. What did they say back in ’68?”

“Billy club to the fucking skull.”

But maybe that's not awful enough for you. How about the fatal beating of a homeless man?

This video is of cops beating a homeless man to death as he begged for mercy.
Perhaps you don't think that's a bad enough example of police officers gone nuts. Perhaps you'd like to know about cops committing RAPE, such as the case of Lydia Cuomo who was sexually assaulted by an off-duty cop?

I can come up with a thousand more cases like these - that is, if you're not plugging your ears by now and screaming curses at me for daring to question the unimpeachable saints in blue. A million, perhaps, but if you don't believe the police are out of control, then it won't matter. At some point, a rational person must ask: are we not headed for much worse abuses by the cops if we stay our current course? 

Well, first let's look at how bad it is now. The police routinely don't even bother to respond to thefts. In Oakland, recently, they declined to deal with a hostile intruder in a man's house and the man got killed as a result - they were too busy handling an Occupy protest.
BERKELEY (KCBS) — Berkeley Police acknowledge they didn’t immediately respond to a call in the hills that would eventually result in a homicide this past Saturday.
Officers were preparing for an Occupy protest headed to UC Berkeley from Oakland and said it didn’t appear to be an emergency.
What were the cops doing? They were out preparing to protect the PLUTOCRACY and their holdings from protesters. Protect little people like us? You gotta be kidding me. The police are not even required by law to respond to your call for help
WASHINGTON, June 27 - The Supreme Court ruled on Monday that the police did not have a constitutional duty to protect a person from harm, even a woman who had obtained a court-issued protective order against a violent husband making an arrest mandatory for a violation.
The decision, with an opinion by Justice Antonin Scalia and dissents from Justices John Paul Stevens and Ruth Bader Ginsburg, overturned a ruling by a federal appeals court in Colorado. The appeals court had permitted a lawsuit to proceed against a Colorado town, Castle Rock, for the failure of the police to respond to a woman's pleas for help after her estranged husband violated a protective order by kidnapping their three young daughters, whom he eventually killed.

So what does the fact that the police aren't required to respond to emergencies, have to do with how bad they have become or how bad they can get? Think about it for a second... they're not Constitutionally required to protect you. So who are they really there for? Not you, if they don't feel like it, or if they have orders to guard the rich people's interests first. Think I'm wrong? Ask Peter Cukor in Oakland. Oh wait, he's dead because of exactly what I said.

Still think I'm wrong? Then why not ask New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg what the purpose of the police is? He said this about the New York Police Department: "I have my own army in the NYPD, which is the seventh largest army in the world." Did any politician call him out or take him back a notch? Nope. Not one. Not a single one.

Anyone left to say I'm wrong? Then please, go look up the MOVE bombing where a police helicopter dropped a C-4 plastic explosive bomb on an apartment in Pennsylvania and killed innocent civilians, plus kids. Or look at the FBI's COINTELPRO program, or the summary execution of a woman with a baby in her arms at Ruby Ridge. Speaking of Ruby Ridge, did you know that Randy Weaver was actually acquitted in court of the very criminal charges you're think of as your counter argument against me? Now how does an acquittal happen after he shot a Federal agent? Simple. Law enforcement was in the wrong... egregiously so.

Ever thought of catching a cop committing a crime, on film? You might want to think twice about that. Of course it's legal to film the police, but do the cops care? Of course not. Oh, yes, and about that last cite, police in New York City are engaging in a widespread racist stop-and-frisk campaign where they target blacks and Hispanics for pat-downs and harassment, but not white people. Of course the racists out there thought that was fucking funny - that is, until Lady Justice became a poetess and the same thing started happening in the nearly all-white city of Paragould, Arkansas.
"[Police are] going to be in SWAT gear and have AR-15s around their neck," Stovall said. "If you're out walking, we're going to stop you, ask why you're out walking, check for your ID."
Stovall said while some people may be offended by the actions of his department, they should not be.
"We're going to do it to everybody," he said. "Criminals don't like being talked to."
Gaskill backed Stovall's proposed actions during Thursday's town hall.
"They may not be doing anything but walking their dog," he said. "But they're going to have to prove it." . . .
"This fear is what's given us the reason to do this. Once I have stats and people saying they're scared, we can do this," he said. "It allows us to do what we're fixing to do." . . .
Then we get to the wonderful boys in blue at the Los Angeles Police Department. In February of 2013, a former LAPD officer named Chris Dorner, an African American man, allegedly began a shooting spree which started with the murder of 2 innocent relatives of a police officer, and then a police officer. In a stunning display of respect for due process and public safety, the LAPD engaged in a manhunt for Dorner in which they shoot up a truck suspected to carry Chris Dorner. Except they never even tried to identify the occupants of the truck. Then they went and did it again. That's right, folks, if you were driving around in Los Angeles and you were African American from February 9th and after, your life was very much in danger at the hands of the LAPD. The LAPD opened fire without warning and without any order to surrender. And worse than that? The police cornered Dorner in a cabin at Big Bear Mountain and were caught on audio giving orders to burn the building down with Dorner supposedly still inside!

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see where all this is leading to: a world where the police are the raiders, terrorists and thugs that we are scared would plague us if they never existed. You just have to spend a day visiting the prison-industrial complex to see the smelly guts of the world of tomorrow for a great number of Americans: for them, it's here today. For you, it could be here tomorrow morning, literally, if you do so much as catch a police officer on film. Ever wonder why America has the largest prison population in the world? It's because of not only our crazy drug laws, but the police who are not only trigger happy, but all too willing to arrest those who survive their psychotic rampages.

And you cannot despise these thugs because to hate them is to be a psychotic demon. Because, despite all of what they do to society, they are gods, or the guardians of the gods. They are part of the new religion of America: the cult of the Blue servants of Robber Baron Capitalism.

What should we do about this? We need to eliminate their sources of funding. We need to replace America's psychopath-dominated police force with a new system of law enforcement. One that, for instance, doesn't come equipped for an all-out war against the American people: 

Most importantly, when you are considering the hellish possibility of a world without the police gangs that we have now, consider this also: what kind of world are we creating when we give the police thugs A MONOPOLY ON THE USE OF EXTREME ARMORED... NOT JUST ARMED, BUT HEAVILY ARMORED... FORCE? I'll tell you what kind of world we're creating: a POLICE STATE. A state infested with the cancer of Government-sponsored terrorism. Want an example of a police state? Visit Denver, Colorado for a good example. Or ask the citizens of Los Angeles about the Dorner manhunt.

Obviously unquestioning fans of the police don't care what I have to say. How about the words of Norm Stamper, the former chief of police in Seattle during the World Trade Organization protests in 1999? 

I’m convinced it is possible to create a smart organizational alternative to the paramilitary bureaucracy that is American policing. But that will not happen unless, even as we cull “bad apples” from our police forces, we recognize that the barrel itself is rotten.
 Or how about the words of former Philadelphia police Captain Ray Lewis?

America's law enforcement system is rotten to its core. It attracts violent people and it encourages them to be violent. The police can shoot you for pulling out a wallet and get away with it. 

Get caught by a cop in the wrong mood and you might as well have run into a gang of psycho killers...
Thomas cries out for help and. toward the end of the beating, for his father: "Dad! Help me. Help me. Help me, dad."
His voice gets softer and trails off.
By the end of the video, he is lying in a pool of blood as the officers wonder out loud what to do next. 
One can be heard saying: "We ran out of options so I got to the end of my Taser and I ... smashed his face to hell."

We need to re-think the concept of law enforcement. Quickly.

The whole system needs to be reconstructed from scratch. All the old players need to be fired, and new applicants for law enforcement jobs need to be screened. And most importantly, cops should never be given access to drones, tanks, carbine rifles, or riot gear.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Why Isn't POLICE Control Being Discussed Alongside Gun Control?

Can't SOMEONE explain to me why we must keep giving cops carbine guns and tanks? Why are the media and our government NOT RAISING HELL when cops shoot innocent and unarmed people? Why aren't we talking about police control?

Police officers are out there shooting up trucks without identifying their targets and shooting unarmed, handcuffed people. And not just once, not just twice, but in fact three times. And not only do they shoot handcuffed people but they also lie about it.

This is just a small selection from a large number of cases where police get out of control and shoot someone who is not a threat. Sometimes, as in the case of the manhunt for Chris Dorner, they carry out, or attempt to carry out, obvious summary executions. And yet no one gets punished, and no new laws get talked about!

Why is that? Why aren't we talking about law enforcement reform?

I am ALREADY Sick and Tired of Hearing About Rubio's Drink

The meme is spreading all over the liberal side of the intarwebs about the awkward moment where Florida US Senator Marc Rubio stops to take a drink during his State of the Union rebuttal at about 11:00 into the video. As Yahoo! News said...
But make no mistake: This was a very consequential sip of water, given that Rubio's lines about "big government" were quite familiar, as was his biography.
No, it wasn't. That's bullshit. Who cares if he took a drink during his speech? What was wrong with Rubio's SOTU response was something completely different and much more substantial. Rubio says Government is not the answer to providing Americans opportunity. Yet it was the Government that helped him make it through college.

I just wish that the energy wasted on attacking his bending over to get a drink, would be put to use attacking his hypocrisies and wrong-headed, obsolete arguments.

Everyone Rise Up And Fight The Corporate State: Move To Amend

Move to Amend's Proposed 28th Amendment to the Constitution

Monday, February 11, 2013

This Certainly Does NOT Describe Me... Does It Describe You?

I rage at these misogynistic bastards every day, scream at them, scream about them, I itch for the chance to drive them from America. How 'bout you?

Saturday, February 9, 2013

The Rich Aren't The Only Wealth Creators. YOU Are A #WealthCreator.

YOU, yes, you who are reading this blog, you are a wealth creator.

Whether you are a corporate CEO or an investor, a street sweeper, an unemployed person on welfare, or a hobo looking for the next pair of shoes, or a kid eating Cheetos in their parents' basement while playing Call of Duty... you are a wealth creator. You are a job creator.

You are a wealth creator if:

  • You are a garbage collector by day and a NFL fan by night. You probably hired some NFL-sponsored vendor to provide you with all those memorabilia, right? Congratulations! You just created wealth. If you didn't exist, there would be no advertisers around to pay the TV network to broadcast the game. 
  • Are you a fast food worker? Then you are a wealth creator. You made money for your employer today. A lot of it, in fact.
  • You get a check from the welfare department and you go out and buy food. You just hired a grocery store to deliver food to you. You also hired a farmer to make the food for you. You just created a job for the cashiers, stockers and janitors who work in the grocery store, too.
  • You took a shower today. That means you hired someone to provide you potable water via the local utility company.
  • You eat Cheetos in the basement while playing Call of Duty. You paid the makers of Cheetos to provide you with a snack and you paid the makers of Call of Duty to make the game and sell it to you.
  • Are you a nurse? Then you are a wealth creator. You just nursed someone back to health so they can go out and buy something and thus be a job creator.
  • You got a headache. That means you'll be hiring someone to make headache medicine for you. And someone else just got hired to sell it to you.
  • You are a homeless person eating at the soup kitchen. Perhaps the food was served to you for free, but the farmers who made the food didn't do it for free. Again, more wealth has been created.
  • You are an NBA fan. If you attended the game in person, you hired that star basketball player to entertain you. You are a job creator! And the owner of that basketball team knows you are a wealth creator or else s/he wouldn't be trying to get you into the stadium!
  • You got injured at a soccer game. You'll be hiring emergency room staff to heal you. Unfortunately, you just created a job.
  • You drove to work, or drove around looking for work. You hired someone to provide you with gasoline. Wealth creation successful!
  • Your car had a flat tire. You're hiring someone to make new tires for you, and perhaps to also install them.
  • If you run your own little garden, you are creating wealth. Either for yourself or others who buy your vegetables.
  • You're reading this blog. You hired an internet service provider to get you online, you hired a computer manufacturer to make the computing device you're browsing with, and so on. Lots of jobs and wealth are created just by you sitting right there in front of that screen.

Now here's a scary fact about job creation! Even if you are a criminal, you are a job creator. You just hired a cop to chase you down.

Without people like you - that's you reading this blog - there would be no jobs, because there would be no demand for anything. No grocery store clerk, no police officer, no bank CEO. Without you, there are no jobs, and no wealth whatsoever.

See how that works? It's called the cycle of life, it's called the food chain, in the economics sense of the word. We're all dependent upon each other. You can't impoverish and punish the working class and expect wealth to keep being created.

Just as surely as you owe the CEOs for your job and wealth, they owe you, too.

Remember that, and never forget it.

Friday, February 8, 2013

West Point Catches Up With The Times: Far Right = TERRORISTS. Duh.

West Point Combating Terrorism Center Report: Understanding America’s Violent Far Right

In the last few years, and especially since 2007, there has been a dramatic rise in the number of attacks and violent plots originating from individuals and groups who self-identify with the far-right of American politics. These incidents cause many to wonder whether these are isolated attacks, an increasing trend, part of increasing societal violence, or attributable to some other condition. To date, however, there has been limited systematic documentation and analysis of incidents of American domestic violence.
This study provides a conceptual foundation for understanding different far-right groups and then presents the empirical analysis of violent incidents to identify those perpetrating attacks and their associated trends....

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Police Gangs Go On A Shooting Rampage While Hunting For Cop On A Shooting Rampage

Two unarmed newspaper delivery women shot without provocation. You just know that when they do catch Dorner, it's going to end in a summary execution.

Police Shoot Newspaper Delivery Women Mistaken For Christopher Dorner During Manhunt [UPDATED]

During the manhunt for former Los Angeles Police Department officer Christopher Dorner Thursday, Los Angeles and Torrance police were involved in two shootings in Torrance. In a multi-page online manifesto, Dorner implicated himself in the recent fatal shootings of an Irvine couple as well as two shootings Thursday morning targeting police officials. Police are in the process of tracking down Dorner, who is apparently on a killing rampage aimed at law enforcement, and the shootings today occurred when police came across vehicles similar to that of the suspect.
The first officer-involved shooting happened at about 5:20 a.m. in the 19500 block of Redbeam Avenue in Torrance, according to the L.A. Times. Two women delivering newspapers in a truck were struck by gunfire by L.A. police detectives from the Hollywood division. One woman was shot in the hand and the other in the back, Jesse Escochea, who captured video of the victims being treated, told the Times. Both victims were transported to a hospital.
The Times describes the crime scene: "After the shooting, the blue pickup was riddled with bullet holes and what appeared to be newspapers lay in the street alongside."
The second incident occurred at Flagler Lane and Beryl Street about 5:45 a.m. and involved Torrance police. No injuries were reported.

Missouri politicians conspire with corporate groups against the working class

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

A Thousand Years of Blackness: Voters Now Consider An Endorsement by the National Rifle Association To Be a LIABILITY!

Disclaimer: As per this blog post, this is a parody of Chuck Norris's hysterical "Thousand Years of Darkness" plea for right wingers to get out and vote against President (Re-elected!!!) Obama. In his video he ranted about the coming death of "freedom" in America. As a result, I have started a series of blogs that seek to rub it into Conservatives' faces when one of their misguided, cherished "freedoms" are lost, or when a new idea proposes to take those "freedoms" away. This blog post, thus, highlights yet another one of the worst possible nightmares that Conservatives could ever face: the voters they've been trying to hoodwink for so long, consider a political endorsement by the NRA to be a bad thing. Oh noes. All your guns are belong to Obama, the Communist dictator who has never shot someone for calling him a Communist dictator...

(Disclaimer: I own guns. I do not support the NRA or their extremist stance, though. Gun ownership isn't even as regulated as car ownership, and that needs to change.)

Voters consider NRA endorsement a negative

Much has been made in recent weeks about the NRA's political strength, but PPP's newest national poll finds more voters consider their endorsement to be a negative than a positive. 39% say they would be less likely to vote for a candidate who had the NRA's support to just 26% who say they'd be more likely to, with 32% saying it wouldn't influence them one way or the other. Among independents 41% consider an NRA endorsement to be a turn off to 27% who say it's a plus.
In general 53% of voters say they support stricter gun laws in the country to 39% who are opposed to them. Those numbers are basically identical to a 53/40 spread a month ago, suggesting that the desire for stronger legislation has not died down as Newtown gradually fades from voters' minds. On the specific issue of an assault weapons ban 51% of voters are supportive to 42% who are opposed. It has support from a solid majority of Democrats, as well as 26% of Republicans.

So you can't badmouth China or they ban you and your work.

The enemy in the 2012 remake of Red Dawn was changed from China to North Korea, because otherwise the film wouldn't have been allowed in China. And this is not the only such example. The new Iron Man movie, it turns out, won't use a Chinese actor for the villain known as Mandarin, because it would get the movie banned in China. 

In short: China's censorship tactics are dictating what we Americans get to see. 

Why, exactly, do we trade with these guys again? Why do we let them run all over us? 

The True Face of Libertarianism: Corruption

Now who didn't see this coming?

Ron Paul One Of The Most Corrupt Members Of Congress, Report Finds

Texas Republican Rep. Ron Paul has been named one of the most corrupt members of Congress in a new report from the watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington.
The report says Paul "double-billed" his travel expenses a number of times over the last decade, meaning he may have been reimbursed for the same flights both under his official allowance as congressman, and by either non-profit groups under his control or his campaign committee.
The revelation would be ironic in part because Paul made fiscal responsibility a central tenet of his 2012 presidential campaign. The congressman celebrated a major victory in July when his bill to audit the Federal Reserve for greater transparency passed the House.
Paul's possible double-billing has been in the public eye sinceRoll Call first reported it in February, but CREW says there is no evidence Paul has repaid the money since.

Monday, February 4, 2013

A Thousand Years of Blackness: The FCC Intrudes On The Free Market! Communism On The Rise!

Disclaimer: As per this blog post, this is a parody of Chuck Norris's hysterical "Thousand Years of Darkness" plea for right wingers to get out and vote against President (Re-elected!!!) Obama. In his video he ranted about the coming death of "freedom" in America. As a result, I have started a series of blogs that seek to rub it into Conservatives' faces when one of their misguided, cherished "freedoms" are lost, or when a new idea proposes to take those "freedoms" away. This blog post, thus, highlights another one of the worst possible nightmare that Conservatives could ever face: the government proposing to create a taxpayer-funded alternative to privately-funded Internet access. Republicans call this GODLESS COMMUNISM. You go, FCC. Maybe a few wingtards will "rise up against Communism" and get thrown in Club Fed.

Tech, telecom giants take sides as FCC proposes large public WiFi networks

The federal government wants to create super WiFi networks across the nation, so powerful and broad in reach that consumers could use them to make calls or surf the Internet without paying a cellphone bill every month.
The proposal from the Federal Communications Commission has rattled the $178 billion wireless industry, which has launched a fierce lobbying effort to persuade policymakers to reconsider the idea, analysts say. That has been countered by an equally intense campaign from GoogleMicrosoft and other tech giants who say a free-for-all WiFi service would spark an explosion of innovations and devices that would benefit most Americans, especially the poor.
The airwaves that FCC officials want to hand over to the public would be much more powerful than existing WiFi networks that have become common in households. They could penetrate thick concrete walls and travel over hills and around trees. If all goes as planned, free access to the Web would be available in just about every metropolitan area and in many rural areas.

A PSA About Paid Sick Leave

Say NO!!! To Globalization! U.S. + Foreign Multinationals Want to Privatize El Salvador

U.S. Intervention in El Salvador, by Privatization This Time

Unions in El Salvador are fighting a bill that would auction off everything from highways, ports, and airports to municipal services and higher education to private companies—mainly foreign multinationals.

Say NO! To Open-Mindedness. Not Just NO, But HELL NO!!!

No, I will NOT be open-minded about people who say women should have less rights than men. People who defend rapists might as well just get used to getting torn a new one if they spout that nonsense in my presence. No, you will NOT receive an "open minded" response.

No, I will NOT be open-minded about people who treat gays like they're second-class citizens.

The same goes for blacks, Hispanics, and every other race and creed. I will NOT be open-minded about Conservative race-baiting and dog-whistling. I will flat-out NOT tolerate anyone yapping about how they think President Obama is a Muslim or a Kenyan or any of that other nonsense. 

No, I will NOT be open-minded about global warming. Global warming won't be open-minded about letting humans get away with spewing greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. I ABSOLUTELY REFUSE to help jeopardize my species' survival in the name of being nice.

I will NOT be open-minded about cutting welfare and leaving the poor to go hungry. We went through this shit before when we had millions of men who couldn't even qualify for military service during World War II because they were so malnourished. People DID die of starvation the last time we had a country without welfare. Over my dead body will that shit happen again.

I will be about as open-minded about gun control as Conservitards are. They can't tolerate moderate gun control laws, then I can't put up with their extremist bullshit, either.

And if the Tea Party shows up in my town, expect me to show up and give 'em hell.

I refuse to show these Conservative cretins civility. I refuse to let their bullshit go unassailed. I refuse to give these knuckle-draggers the common courtesies that they refuse to give the world around them. I will always go toe to toe, I will always stand my ground for a better America. I will always seek to undermine and subvert them, insult them, boycott their businesses, ruin their plans, and expose them for the hateful bigots that they are. Always.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

The FBI Gets Kicked Out of Iceland! Way To Go, Iceland!

A group of FBI agents arrived in Iceland in August 2011, requesting collaboration with Icelandic police authorities to investigate Wikileaks, as revealed by Wikileaks spokesperson Kristinn Hrafnsson on RÚV’s news magazine Kastljós last night.
“The FBI came here in a private jet and landed at Reykjavík Airport. According to my information—which is very solid and I have had it confirmed—Minister of the Interior Ögmundur Jónasson was notified of their arrival and reacted angrily because it is unbelievably presumptuous to come here this way,” Kristinn stated.
“According to my information, he demanded that these agents pack their bags, embark the plane and leave the country,” Kristinn added. “I know that this was later discussed within the government, which formally objected to U.S. authorities.”