Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Do the Police Think They're Gods?

Or the guardians of gods? 

It's fairly obvious that they see themselves as such.

Let's talk about the abuses that the police inflict upon law abiding citizens:

“We’ll come look for you, each and every one of you.”

“You like that, he knows these guys know, ’68. You guys know all about ’68. What did they say back in ’68?”

“Billy club to the fucking skull.”

But maybe that's not awful enough for you. How about the fatal beating of a homeless man?

This video is of cops beating a homeless man to death as he begged for mercy.
Perhaps you don't think that's a bad enough example of police officers gone nuts. Perhaps you'd like to know about cops committing RAPE, such as the case of Lydia Cuomo who was sexually assaulted by an off-duty cop?

I can come up with a thousand more cases like these - that is, if you're not plugging your ears by now and screaming curses at me for daring to question the unimpeachable saints in blue. A million, perhaps, but if you don't believe the police are out of control, then it won't matter. At some point, a rational person must ask: are we not headed for much worse abuses by the cops if we stay our current course? 

Well, first let's look at how bad it is now. The police routinely don't even bother to respond to thefts. In Oakland, recently, they declined to deal with a hostile intruder in a man's house and the man got killed as a result - they were too busy handling an Occupy protest.
BERKELEY (KCBS) — Berkeley Police acknowledge they didn’t immediately respond to a call in the hills that would eventually result in a homicide this past Saturday.
Officers were preparing for an Occupy protest headed to UC Berkeley from Oakland and said it didn’t appear to be an emergency.
What were the cops doing? They were out preparing to protect the PLUTOCRACY and their holdings from protesters. Protect little people like us? You gotta be kidding me. The police are not even required by law to respond to your call for help
WASHINGTON, June 27 - The Supreme Court ruled on Monday that the police did not have a constitutional duty to protect a person from harm, even a woman who had obtained a court-issued protective order against a violent husband making an arrest mandatory for a violation.
The decision, with an opinion by Justice Antonin Scalia and dissents from Justices John Paul Stevens and Ruth Bader Ginsburg, overturned a ruling by a federal appeals court in Colorado. The appeals court had permitted a lawsuit to proceed against a Colorado town, Castle Rock, for the failure of the police to respond to a woman's pleas for help after her estranged husband violated a protective order by kidnapping their three young daughters, whom he eventually killed.

So what does the fact that the police aren't required to respond to emergencies, have to do with how bad they have become or how bad they can get? Think about it for a second... they're not Constitutionally required to protect you. So who are they really there for? Not you, if they don't feel like it, or if they have orders to guard the rich people's interests first. Think I'm wrong? Ask Peter Cukor in Oakland. Oh wait, he's dead because of exactly what I said.

Still think I'm wrong? Then why not ask New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg what the purpose of the police is? He said this about the New York Police Department: "I have my own army in the NYPD, which is the seventh largest army in the world." Did any politician call him out or take him back a notch? Nope. Not one. Not a single one.

Anyone left to say I'm wrong? Then please, go look up the MOVE bombing where a police helicopter dropped a C-4 plastic explosive bomb on an apartment in Pennsylvania and killed innocent civilians, plus kids. Or look at the FBI's COINTELPRO program, or the summary execution of a woman with a baby in her arms at Ruby Ridge. Speaking of Ruby Ridge, did you know that Randy Weaver was actually acquitted in court of the very criminal charges you're think of as your counter argument against me? Now how does an acquittal happen after he shot a Federal agent? Simple. Law enforcement was in the wrong... egregiously so.

Ever thought of catching a cop committing a crime, on film? You might want to think twice about that. Of course it's legal to film the police, but do the cops care? Of course not. Oh, yes, and about that last cite, police in New York City are engaging in a widespread racist stop-and-frisk campaign where they target blacks and Hispanics for pat-downs and harassment, but not white people. Of course the racists out there thought that was fucking funny - that is, until Lady Justice became a poetess and the same thing started happening in the nearly all-white city of Paragould, Arkansas.
"[Police are] going to be in SWAT gear and have AR-15s around their neck," Stovall said. "If you're out walking, we're going to stop you, ask why you're out walking, check for your ID."
Stovall said while some people may be offended by the actions of his department, they should not be.
"We're going to do it to everybody," he said. "Criminals don't like being talked to."
Gaskill backed Stovall's proposed actions during Thursday's town hall.
"They may not be doing anything but walking their dog," he said. "But they're going to have to prove it." . . .
"This fear is what's given us the reason to do this. Once I have stats and people saying they're scared, we can do this," he said. "It allows us to do what we're fixing to do." . . .
Then we get to the wonderful boys in blue at the Los Angeles Police Department. In February of 2013, a former LAPD officer named Chris Dorner, an African American man, allegedly began a shooting spree which started with the murder of 2 innocent relatives of a police officer, and then a police officer. In a stunning display of respect for due process and public safety, the LAPD engaged in a manhunt for Dorner in which they shoot up a truck suspected to carry Chris Dorner. Except they never even tried to identify the occupants of the truck. Then they went and did it again. That's right, folks, if you were driving around in Los Angeles and you were African American from February 9th and after, your life was very much in danger at the hands of the LAPD. The LAPD opened fire without warning and without any order to surrender. And worse than that? The police cornered Dorner in a cabin at Big Bear Mountain and were caught on audio giving orders to burn the building down with Dorner supposedly still inside!

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see where all this is leading to: a world where the police are the raiders, terrorists and thugs that we are scared would plague us if they never existed. You just have to spend a day visiting the prison-industrial complex to see the smelly guts of the world of tomorrow for a great number of Americans: for them, it's here today. For you, it could be here tomorrow morning, literally, if you do so much as catch a police officer on film. Ever wonder why America has the largest prison population in the world? It's because of not only our crazy drug laws, but the police who are not only trigger happy, but all too willing to arrest those who survive their psychotic rampages.

And you cannot despise these thugs because to hate them is to be a psychotic demon. Because, despite all of what they do to society, they are gods, or the guardians of the gods. They are part of the new religion of America: the cult of the Blue servants of Robber Baron Capitalism.

What should we do about this? We need to eliminate their sources of funding. We need to replace America's psychopath-dominated police force with a new system of law enforcement. One that, for instance, doesn't come equipped for an all-out war against the American people: 

Most importantly, when you are considering the hellish possibility of a world without the police gangs that we have now, consider this also: what kind of world are we creating when we give the police thugs A MONOPOLY ON THE USE OF EXTREME ARMORED... NOT JUST ARMED, BUT HEAVILY ARMORED... FORCE? I'll tell you what kind of world we're creating: a POLICE STATE. A state infested with the cancer of Government-sponsored terrorism. Want an example of a police state? Visit Denver, Colorado for a good example. Or ask the citizens of Los Angeles about the Dorner manhunt.

Obviously unquestioning fans of the police don't care what I have to say. How about the words of Norm Stamper, the former chief of police in Seattle during the World Trade Organization protests in 1999? 

I’m convinced it is possible to create a smart organizational alternative to the paramilitary bureaucracy that is American policing. But that will not happen unless, even as we cull “bad apples” from our police forces, we recognize that the barrel itself is rotten.
 Or how about the words of former Philadelphia police Captain Ray Lewis?

America's law enforcement system is rotten to its core. It attracts violent people and it encourages them to be violent. The police can shoot you for pulling out a wallet and get away with it. 

Get caught by a cop in the wrong mood and you might as well have run into a gang of psycho killers...
Thomas cries out for help and. toward the end of the beating, for his father: "Dad! Help me. Help me. Help me, dad."
His voice gets softer and trails off.
By the end of the video, he is lying in a pool of blood as the officers wonder out loud what to do next. 
One can be heard saying: "We ran out of options so I got to the end of my Taser and I ... smashed his face to hell."

We need to re-think the concept of law enforcement. Quickly.

The whole system needs to be reconstructed from scratch. All the old players need to be fired, and new applicants for law enforcement jobs need to be screened. And most importantly, cops should never be given access to drones, tanks, carbine rifles, or riot gear.

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