Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Why Isn't POLICE Control Being Discussed Alongside Gun Control?

Can't SOMEONE explain to me why we must keep giving cops carbine guns and tanks? Why are the media and our government NOT RAISING HELL when cops shoot innocent and unarmed people? Why aren't we talking about police control?

Police officers are out there shooting up trucks without identifying their targets and shooting unarmed, handcuffed people. And not just once, not just twice, but in fact three times. And not only do they shoot handcuffed people but they also lie about it.

This is just a small selection from a large number of cases where police get out of control and shoot someone who is not a threat. Sometimes, as in the case of the manhunt for Chris Dorner, they carry out, or attempt to carry out, obvious summary executions. And yet no one gets punished, and no new laws get talked about!

Why is that? Why aren't we talking about law enforcement reform?

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