I've been reading these long series of posts on Tumblr about the 'nice guy' thing. From all their accusations, one thing rings consistent: women absolutely hate nice guys.
I don't get it. Fortunately, being married, my love life doesn't depend on getting it. But still, it's confusing and I hate confusion.
Let me see if I get this right....
1) 'nice guys' is another way of saying self-proclaimed nice guys.
2) nice guys are actually deceitful men who just want to get into a woman's pants.
3) plus they get mad if a woman doesn't sleep with them
4) and they pester a woman who rejects them
5) because they feel entitled to her affections, especially if she is good looking.
Let me first say if there are men out there like that, they're utter dumbass wastes of oxygen. The ladies of Tumblr have spoken enough hatred of these dirtbags so I'll leave it at that.
But the nice guys I hung with, back in the day, didn't feel entitled to anything. In fact we had long talks between us men about how the only thing we were entitled to, when it came to everything from love to just putting food on the table, was to work our asses off and HOPE something came of it. In short as far as we were concerned it was all about luck. We knew men who felt they were owed sex and we avoided being seen with these dudes. Oddly enough they were the rich guys and jocks. Now, apparently, self proclaimed nice guys share this twisted sense of entitlement?
....the fuck? Is this some kind of 20something problem where guys don't know this instinctually? I was one of those nice guys who didn't like getting friend-zoned, and I never needed to be told such basic shit as this. None of the self proclaimed nice guys I shared my woes with, needed this reminder, either. I can't help but believe that this is nonsense.
I'll tell you what really plagues the nice guys:
1) Desperation. Years of deprivation will do that to you, especially if you're a male.
2) Having mostly-indoor hobbies that women don't (or didn't used to) like, or even respect. Comic Con used to be an almost all-male thing. (Then, suddenly for some reason, it wasn't. Huh??) There also still aren't many women computer geeks. Some, but not many.
3) Awkward. Their jokes rarely ever fly. Neither did mine, but I hardly ever cared. Didn't kill me, either, I got married anyway.
4) Timidity. Guys didn't approach a woman romantically for fear of being humiliated. Not just rejected, but humiliated. Watching too much TV sitcoms will do that to you.
Timidity, now that's where I have a big problem with what I'm seeing on Tumblr. Most nice guys are too timid and afraid of crossing the jerk line to do HALF of the nutjob things I'm seeing women complain about. The problem is that they're too timid to pester a woman, or even express any sort of anger or frustration - which is part of how they earned the reputation of being so spineless!!! Oddly enough, despite all these failings, the nice guys in my age group all got married.
I can see the mythical monsters these women talk about nowadays not getting married, though. If these douchebags actually exist. Well, in this world of 6 billion people I imagine all sort of d-bags can actually exist... even someone so stupid as to not realize that being nice to a girl doesn't mean romance. And if people that dumb ever manage to breed, then this is our future:
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