Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Republicans are fighting a class war while saying there isn't a class war.

When you (say, Governor Bobby Jindal of Louisiana) propose to lower income taxes and pay for it by raising sales taxes, that's called a class war. Putting heavier burdens on the poor while easing burdens on the rich is not a class war much like blowing up a bank vault door and snatching all the money within is not bank robbery.

Conservatives like to often spout the nonsense "if you want to reduce something, then tax it". Going by their logic, increasing taxes on purchases should reduce the amount of purchases... thus reducing economic activity.

But then we all know Conservatives don't actually believe the horseshit they try to sell their ignorant and gullible voters...

If Bobby Jindal has his way, Louisiana’s personal and corporate income taxes are headed for extinction.
Jindal wants the tax reform to be “revenue neutral,” and he’s exploring by how much he would have to increase the sales tax (currently 4 percent) in order to achieve that. He’s also meeting with state legislators. Louisiana’s session doesn’t start until April 8, and Jindal’s office intends by then to release a detailed plan, filling in the broad outlines that have been put forward so far.
“Eliminating personal income taxes will put more money back into the pockets of Louisiana families,” Jindal said in a statement earlier this month, “and will change a complex tax code into a more simple system that will make Louisiana more attractive to companies who want to invest here and create jobs.”

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