Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Do you feel like humiliating a FREE TRADER globalist today? Then ask them these questions

Dear Free Traders,
Riddle me this, riddle me that…
Do you think it’s better for millions of Americans to be perpetually unemployed than to bring back the factory jobs or call center jobs they used to work in?
iPads sold in America should be made in China and not America because of what now… help me out here… phobia of China, or phobia of American workers?
America is supposed to run a $500 billion trade deficit? Why doesn’t any other country want to run that kind of deficit?
Japan is negotiating a 1,000% tariff on rice for the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement, but you think America should not ever raise tariffs?
Which one of you foreign outsourcing advocates out there have ever had your call center or factory job shipped overseas?
What’s going to happen to those poor people in the third world when America’s economy collapses from all this unemployment and we can’t buy their stuff anymore? Any answers for that?
Have you ever told an unemployed American to their face that losing their job to China, Mexico or India was good for them, or the economy?
You say we’re ditching factory jobs in favor of knowledge jobs. Where are these knowledge jobs? How many knowledge job openings are there? How many unemployed are there? Compare the numbers and please explain how that knowledge-based economy is coming along. While you’re at it, would you care to explain why so many research and development jobs are going to India and China despite a glut of Science,  Tech, Engineering and Math graduates here in America?
So you say that opponents of foreign outsourcing are xenophobes. Considering that international trade is a mostly one-way street vacuuming jobs out of the United States, why should YOU not be called out as an America-phobe?
Please name one other nation on Earth that is foolish enough to outsource as much work as America does. Per capita, even.
Have a nice day.

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