Monday, November 26, 2012

Some Idiot at the American Thinker Whines About the "Decline" of Old White Men

'Shut Up, Grandpa' 
is an article by the American Thinker e-zine that bemoans the decline of the power and prestige of old white men. You know how these things go - old white men made America great, old white men are under attack from leftism, they're being dismissed, poor put upon old white men, America is doomed to decline if we don't listen to these old white men...

But even accepting the Washington establishment's new, post-modern definition of the term, it is undeniable that we old white men are in the minority worldwide. Having so marginalized us at last, the young, female, minority majority is eager to mock and ridicule us, to break our will, to push us into giving up. If they get their way, we old white men will die alone and cold, in a house stripped of all its valuables, as they divvy up the loot, conscience-free, hardly realizing or caring what a waste they have made of good men's legacies.

And check the knuckle dragging readers' comments, too.
The Feminist have ridden their minority pony about as far as it is going to go. Black men of course have been so brianwashed most of them will never side with White males but the Hispanic men actually went for Romney by almost 35%. Not much growth but it was up from McCain's.
When the Minority coalition begins seriously fighting over the ever shrinking pie they will turn on themselves and then we will see just who they come running to for help.
 And then there was this:
First of all, as a "girl", I want to say "poor White men". White People, also known as People who risked everything to take a chance, are the ones who founded the United States of America.
It wasn't easy to cross an ocean, and many White people died in that crossing. These first people came from England, Spain, Italy. They were, for the most part, White People.
These "White People" were the cream of the crop of humans. They rejected the notion that a King should be able to tell them what their religious belief should be. This was extraordinary that thinking White, humans, would reject the idea that the Earth was flat, and that they would fall off the edge.

And these people wonder why they are being marginalized and despised? Their whole message is "only the white man can save you". Does that "girl" even realize that without liberalism, she would be some man's property? Of course she doesn't. None of them can think past the nose on their inbred faces.

What hurts these losers the most is that white people are turning against their Troglodyte ways as well.

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