Monday, October 21, 2013

Welfare loving Conservatives strike again! Texas has more food stamp recipients than even California or New York

I mean, I understand why California has the biggest number of food stamp recipients. Ask any Conservative - they'll tell you we're a haven for lazy brown people and illegal immigrants. No wonder we have so many food stamp recipients... that is, if you buy their racist nonsense.

But Texas, I mean, come on. Here's a state full of white upstanding cowboy Republicans who pull themselves up by their bootstraps from childhood onward. The state of guns, cowboys, cattle barons, rugged secessionists, proud church going communities, Chuck Norris, and Rick Perry...

... and 1.278 MILLION food stamp recipients, even more than California's 1.140 million. (And California's population is larger. Now consider that.)

This is even more odd when you consider that proportionally speaking, Texas has more white people and fewer minorities than California

Haven't Conservatives been telling us for ages that it's mostly liberal areas and lazy brown people who get food stamps? That doesn't explain Texas.

So how can it be Conservative Rick Perry-voting Texas have more food stamp recipients than left wing California?

How will Conservatives explain away this much hypocrisy?